Facts and figures on PalCom
Please find a set of short descriptions on frequently asked questions about the PalCom project:
¤ What is PalCom?
¤ Why collaboration across EU borders?
¤ What are PalCom’s results to date?
¤ What will palpable computing look like in 10 years’ time?
What is PalCom
The PalCom project is a European IST project. It commenced in January 2004 and ends in December 2007. The project consists of a consortium of European organisations collaborating to define software architecture and conceptual framework to support palpable computing in a variety of application domains.
What is the palCom vision
The PalCom vision is to produce the first version of a software architecture for palpable computing, i.e. an architecture that supports going beyond ‘traditional’ ambient computing. Where ambient computing sees invisibility of computing sources and automation of human tasks as ideals, we also insist on comprehensibility, user control and understanding.
How is PalCom organized
PalCom is part of the Future and Emergent Technologies division of Information Systems Technologies within the 6th framework programme. It is run by its 13 partner organisations, and is coordinated by the University of Aarhus, which acts as the link between the partners and the commission as well as coordinates the activities of all partners.
Why collaboration across EU borders
The competencies involved in PalCom are very diverse, including for example work analysts, interaction designers, industrial designers, architects, software developers and software architects. In order to find the best organisations within these domains, it is necessary to work on a European, not just a national, level.
Who pays for PalCom
PalCom is primarily funded by the European Commission, but the Swiss Government also makes a significant contribution. In addition, all participating organisations also contribute, either by only being partly funded for the work (industry) or by contributing person months from permanent staff (universities).
Who is in charge at PalCom
The day-to-day management is conducted by the University of Aarhus. More strategic and fundamental issues are handled by the Programme Management Committee and the Steering Committee with representatives from all partners.
Why the large number of universities
PalCom is part of Future and Emergent Technologies and thus operates with a long-term research perspective. A natural consequence of this is a large proportion of University partners (and thus researchers).
What is Palpable Computing
The term "Palpable Computing" was coined when writing the application in March 2003. Palpable Computing denotes that systems are capable of being noticed and comprehended. Palpable systems support people in understanding what is going on at the level they choose. And they support control and choice by people. Palpable Computing is the next step after ubiquitous and ambient computing.
What are PalComs' results to date
The results so far include a conceptual framework for palpable computing, a first version of the specifications of the architecture, a fundamental understanding of the application domains, a range of visions for future palpable usages, a toolbox for constructing palpable devices, and a range of prototypes to concretize and experiment with those usages in order to inform software architecture
What will palpable computing look like in 10 years’ time
Ubiquitous and ambient computing technologies will have become palpable (under that name or another), otherwise people will neither understand nor trust them, and thus be unable to pick up on their usage.
PalCom in Numbers
What is PalCom’s EU contract number?
How many partners?
How many sub-contractors?
How many people are involved?
How many working hours?
140 person years
How many domains?
3: healthcare, emergency services, landscape architecture
How many application areas- and prototypes?
6 application areas and 10 prototypes
How many organizations?
How much money?
EU Funding: € 7.004.000,
Swiss funding: € 1.400.000
Commercial partner funding: € 1.600.000
University funding: 300 person months
How much time?
4 years
How many reviews?
How many work packages?
How many countries?