This tutorial shows how to compile and run a few sample Smalltalk applications from pal-st/src-st/examples (1) Make a folder for your compiled components, and cd into it > mkdir example-components > cd example-components (2) Compile the hello world program in ../src/Hello: > pal-st -cp ../src/Hello -o hello.prc -serviceMainClass Hello "-cp": Class path, where to find source files, can take multiple directories using the appropriate separation character "-o": The component file to generate, all the compiled classes are stored in this component. The file name is used as the name of the component. "-serviceMainClass": If the component is used to instantiate a service (see below), create an instance of this class and call the "run" method to activate the service. (3) Run the hello world program > pal-vm hello.prc (4) Compile in ../src/HelloClasses: > cd ../src/HelloClasses; make "-requires": Indicate a component which is required by this component, meaning that the required component must be loaded before this component. The symbol before ':' indicates the name by which the required component is accessible in this component. The symbol after ':' indicates the name of the component which is used when loading the component and for managing the component inside the service. "-import": Make the name of a class from a required component visible in the scope of this component. Essentially shortcuts the standard scoping mechanism for components, primarily to allow inheritance across components (the name of a superclass defined in a required component must be importet into this component).